Monday, 1 February 2010

Thing 6. Find more feeds

After subscribing to two colleagues feeds, to get myself going, I started off with choosing the BBC news feed, as I vaguely remembered seeing the image on there somewhere, and thought the beeb might ease me in gently. After that, I was stuck. I must be interested in something, so I remembered that occasionally i dusted off my DSLR and went mad taking photos of everything that moved or in fact didn't move, so I found a Camera review feed to make me sound knowledgeable. Next, I thought about the last CD I bought- yes, I still prefer to have a physical item in my hand, not a download, although I'm not sure I should admit that it was Lady Gaga's Fame monster (it is in fact brilliant). So I'm subscribing to her too. Quality.

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like you're getting on well with this week's things. If you're looking for more blogs to subscribe to may I suggest the Flickr blog at
