Monday, 1 March 2010

Thing 13 Facebook

Facebook seems to be a really good way of keeping readers informed about news, whether it be a new database, or a Library closure. Because the info goes to people who have signed up, it will go to those who want is rather than it being a kind of cold calling. Some readers will access the information through their phones, so they can always be in touch with what is going on. I would say that the Wall is the most useful feature of Facebook, as it shows easily identifiable updates that you might not always notice on a website. It is also useful that you can contact individuals privately should you need to via email. It is useful to see other fans of the site, as it creates another community with a common interest. I am familiar with Facebook as I do have an account, and have recently set up a page for the toddler group that I help run. Handy if you need to remind people to bring in yoghurt pots for your craft activity of the week!

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